Feeling random today… so here goes.

- So I ordered the Pampered Chef Mix ‘n Chop that my gal pal Leah enticed me with over our Double Mama FREEZE-O-RAMA and the corn scraper that I have been hearing Miss Terra talk about over at Mom’s Kitchen.
- Speaking of FREEZE-O-RAMA… You might have noticed that I haven’t done one in a while. Don’t worry… I still heart me some freezer cooking, I just have had so much in the freezer that we need to eat up that I haven’t needed to do another cooking day lately. I have been making double (triple/quadruple) marinades anytime I make some up for the grill though 😉 That and canning beans.. Dude… I gots some beans!
- I have asked it before… but will ask it again… why does McDonald’s cheese taste so good?
- We are having a “3 yr old” day today… lots of sass… I am huge on consistency when it comes to our parenting, but it is difficult when the Monkey throws me curve balls. Once I figure out what is going on and how I am going to consistently handle it, things are good. But, there have been times lately when I swear she has just turned into another kid… Linda Blair style. Then in a flash she is back to sweet little Miss Add. I have heard this is typical 3 year old behavior… so why exactly are the twos so terrible??Not looking forward to those teenage years… just sayin’
- Puddie got a new job! I love to see him on fire for what he does for a living. 🙂
- Speaking of Puddie– Did you check out our contest entry for the state fair contest? I promise it is worth the watch 😉 YouTube views count in the contest, so if you like it, share it with your friends 🙂
- Random Common Sense Commentary: Someone can give you wings to fly, but you have to take the first leap yourself.
- I found out today that my fence tutorial was featured on Mural Maker and More!
- I have some exciting news coming up this Monday! Some of my bloggy pals and I will be hosting “Family Fair Days with GOODEness Gracious N Friends”! We will be giving away State Fair tickets (courtesy of the Indiana Soybean Alliance) and giving you some behind the scenes posts about State Fair Family Fun!
- Inception was a really GOODe movie… but Puddie doesn’t want to talk to me about it… makes our brains hurt a little. I have a theory about the end of the movie, but no one to talk to about it! Let’s not put spoilers on this site, but if you have seen it and want to talk about it… EMAIL ME!
- Miss Add said to me today: “Mommy, you a good cooker”… lol! It is even more funny when you realize that I gave her Easy Mac 😉 Hey- a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do sometimes.
- Random Common Sense Commentary: When you ask someone to be something they aren’t, you aren’t being a friend. When you help someone see who they truly are and who they can be, there can be no greater friend.
- I heart Mini-Wheats
- I need to do a whole post on how I have found myself in Coupon Limbo… I have turned my cost cutting system on its head and it has fallen and can’t get back up…just sayin’
- I am really impressed with the customer service at www.bigidea.com. One of the toys I got Miss Add for her birthday broke and they are sending me a replacement… ASAP 🙂
- Laundry. It is my enemy. Just sayin’
Leah @ Beyer Beware says
Love the randomness…I also have wondered about McDonald's cheese. I bet they put High Fructose Corn Syrup in it;)
Missie says
I also love my mixin chop and hate laundry!
Kerin says
This little thing we do everyday 🙂
Smiles 🙂
sara says
Laundry is the great common enemy…mine is currently multiplying in my guest room.
Heather @ 3 kids and lots of pigs says
As always, I love your randomness. Laundry, folding it especially, is my nemesis. I hate it.
Holly Walker says
I love your random posts! I love what my cousin calls doing laundry: "conquering the foe"! (But I cheat- my Nana folds for me. How great is that?!)
Leah @ Beyer Beware says
Love the randomness…I also have wondered about McDonald's cheese. I bet they put High Fructose Corn Syrup in it;)